Reclining Wheelchair and Other Types: What’s It Like to be In These Devices

Many people often give looks of pity to people who are bound to a reclining wheelchair or any other type of wheelchair, at that. Sitting on these mobile devices would mean a person has a disability, has limited movement, or is unable to walk or use his extremities completely. And this would definitely warrant sympathy from others.

But while the public can only see people sitting on a wheelchair fleetingly, their lives are not known to them. And they really don’t need others looking down on them with such emotions. Because, while people on reclining or portables wheelchair do have the need for assistive moving devices, they are far stronger and braver than the rest of us.

Let us find out what it is like to be bound to a mobility aid or to a transportation device.

Living in a Wheelchair

Most often, paralysis binds people to wheelchairs permanently. They had the need for a stretcher and spine board in order to minimize the effects but still end up unable to move their lower extremities.

But some use wheelchairs as old age approaches and their muscles and bones weaken. Others also have the need for these devices due to a disability, whether temporary or permanent and because of injuries or illnesses.

But no matter what the reason is, living life in a wheelchair can be cause for so many negative emotions.

  • People can go through “DABDA” or the stages of coping with death, where they go through denial because of their condition, anger, bargaining, depression, and, finally, acceptance.
  • Being unable to walk or move freely brings a tremendous change in the life of a person. And the acceptance of this kind of situation is far from happening in a matter of days or weeks.
  • Denial is usually felt since they can’t accept the fact that they can no longer do most of the things they did before. They can’t join in many activities and they get left behind.
  • Then comes anger where they blame people, God, and life, in general. And they lash out to others. They also bargain just so they can get out of the situation.
  • But when their wrath is spent, the crying comes. And they fall into depression.
  • But with the help of their support system, they finally begin to accept what happened.

When acceptance is reached, this is the time where others begin to see how strong and brave people who are stuck in wheelchairs are. They make amazing changes and cope with life in impressive ways.

And this is why pity should not be the emotion that others feel for them. Instead, they should be proud and inspired by people bound to wheelchairs, ambulance stretcher and other mobility aids.

And if you want to help your loved ones in this kind of situation, giving them the best, high-quality devices will be greatly appreciated. Find the kind of device that your family or friends need at Philippine Medical Supplies now.
