On Kelly Forcep and Other Instruments: What Goes on During a Cesarean Section Delivery

Pregnancy and delivery is an amazing evidence of the miracle of life. But, sometimes, even something as natural as giving birth can become complex, thus cesarean delivery, along with instruments like the Kelly forcep, Mayo scissors and more, are developed. This kind of surgery has helped so many mothers deliver their babies safely.

But what really goes on during a cesarean section delivery? And what other instruments, aside from the mosquito forcep and other types of forceps, are used?

Cesarean Section Delivery

While many mothers prepare their OB bag early in their excitement and hope to give birth normally, sometimes, a C-section delivery cannot be avoided. This type of delivery is a surgical procedure where a baby is delivered through incisions in the abdomen and uterus.

Reasons for Having Cesarean Section Delivery

  1. Prolonged labor
  2. Abnormal position of the baby
  3. Fetal distress
  4. Birth defects
  5. Chronic health condition of the mother
  6. Cord prolapse
  7. Cephalopelvic disproportion
  8. Problems with the placenta

Although a cesarean section poses more risks for the mother, it is still the delivery procedure that is safest for both the mother and baby when the above conditions are present.

So, how is CS surgery done?

Cesarean Delivery Procedure

  1. Before surgery, the mother receives fluids and medications needed for the operation through an IV line. Then she gets prepped by having her abdomen washed and pubic hair shaved.
  2. Once she is ready, a catheter is placed to remove urine during and after the operation.
  3. Regional anesthesia will be administered to keep the lower half of the body numb while still staying awake. Then, vital signs will be completely monitored.
  4. To start the operation, surgeons open the abdomen using a scalpel. Blood vessels are clamped with several forceps, others are used to hold tissues, keeping them open.
  5. The abdomen stays open and the bladder is kept away from the uterus using
  6. Then an incision is made in the uterus.
  7. The baby is quickly removed, the cord cut using bandage scissors, and the placenta is removed.
  8. Once afterbirth is completed, the uterus is stitched up using sutures, forceps, and Mayo scissors.
  9. Lastly, the abdomen is closed with stitches or staples.

That’s how a cesarean delivery is done, in a nutshell, and the instruments used to complete the operation. Yes, it is definitely complicated and full of risks as compared to a normal vaginal delivery.

But no matter what type of delivery brings your baby into the world, you are still a mother through and through. So prepare for motherhood and get your breasts and breast pump, your diaper bag, and other newborn essentials ready for when your baby comes out.

And if you still haven’t completed your mother and baby medical supplies, just shop for them at Philippine Medical Supplies and you’ll complete them in no time, easily and conveniently.

Visit Philippine Medical Supplies now!
