Medical Equipment – Abdominal Binder

The healthcare industry has a requirement for a large variety of specialist equipment, including Abdominal Binders – Phil Medical Supplies  being one of the biggest suppliers of medical equipment and supplies to the healthcare industry, as well as other organisations and individuals with a requirement for such equipment and supplies.

Abdominal Binders
Abdominal Binders are used in the early post operative stages of recovery for patients who have had surgery such as abdominoplasty or abdominal liposuction. They are also used by women in pregnancy or after giving birth.  They provide support and compression for the upper and lower abdomin and are essential parts of the healing process.

Cervical Collars
The Cervical Collar, or neck brace, is another piece of medical equipment essential to the recovery of patients. These collars are worn by people who have suffered some form of neck trauma, and are also used by emergency personnel to protect the neck from further injury whilst patients are being transported to hospital following accidents.  In addition, they are commonly used to treat chronic neck problems.

Colostomy Bags
A colostomy is surgery whereby a surgeon diverts one end of the large intestine into an opening in the patient’s abdomen. A small pouch, or bag, is then placed over the stoma to collect body waste that would otherwise have been ejected when going to the toilet.  This pouch is known as a Colostomy Bag.

OB Bags
An OB bag is a bag used by nurses or other healthcare professionals when out visiting patients in their homes.  Phil Medical supplies have an OB Bag Set available in both a square carry type and a sling type. These bags come with multiple compartments for easy storage and retrieval of the necessary equipment.

Bouffant Caps
The Bouffant Cap is a cap required to be worn by those working in an environment that requires the highest degrees of hygiene.  This includes the food industry, the healthcare industry, high-tech industries as well as a variety of others.  These caps help prevent hair falling out onto surfaces and other things that could be contaminated by the fallen hair.

Laboratory Coats
Another staple item required to be worn in the healthcare and related industries is the Laboratory Coat or gown.  These gowns are worn over normal clothing to protect from spills and stains that may occur working with chemicals and other substances.

If you are in the healthcare profession, or in another industry that requires medical equipment and supplies, or are an individual with a need for such equipment and supplies, please view the Philippine Medical Supplies website at to view the full range.
