Managing Diabetes Through Blood Sugar Monitoring with One Touch Glucometer

Diabetes, although a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines, can be completely managed by regular monitoring of blood sugar levels using a glucometer like the One Touch glucometer. Following a strict diet and a healthy lifestyle, keeping blood sugar under control is the key to living a life close to normal, even while suffering from the disease.

And what should we know about monitoring our blood sugar?

Blood Sugar Monitoring

If you have diabetes, keeping your blood glucose within normal levels is a crucial part of the treatment plan. If you don’t and your blood sugar rises, then you will definitely suffer from symptoms that can hinder your daily activities. And when it comes to worse, you become at increased risk for heart diseases, stroke, kidney diseases, vision problems, and nerve disorders.

If this does not motivate you to use that Easytouch GCU glucometer, then the following reasons why you should keep a strict and regular glucose monitoring will definitely keep you on the right track.

Importance of Blood Sugar Monitoring

  1. It provides actual and real-time blood sugar levels that help you know the next step to your management plan.
  2. It is an important step in preventing the complications of diabetes.
  3. It lets you know how successful you are with your disease management.

Knowing the above will help you understand why, as a diabetic or as a caregiver of someone with diabetes, monitoring blood sugar is a crucial part of diabetes management. The success of the treatment plan lies significantly in this task.

And to be able to find success with blood glucose monitoring, certain things should be kept in mind.

  • Always carry your glucometer and strips. Self-testing is an important part of regular sugar monitoring.
  • Make sure you don’t run out of test strips and that you take care of them well. Old and dirty strips can give out unreliable results.
  • Depending on your doctor’s advice, establish a schedule of checking your blood sugar. Stick to it by making it a part of your daily routine so it is not easier to forget.
  • Keep track of your blood sugar levels so you know when it is usually increased and what may have caused it.
  • Practice safety in using your glucometer and keep infections away.

Sticking to the above makes it easier to manage diabetes. Along with regular blood sugar level monitoring, tracking your weight with a reliable scale, like Detecto weighing scale, helps you achieve a healthier body and a normal life.

So, make sure you have your eye on your blood glucose and use something reliable to track it. Get your glucometer at Philippine Medical Supplies, along with any other medical item, like a Littman stethoscope, or equipment, that you may need.

Philippine Medical Supplies is the nation’s top supplier of medical items. Visit their website today.
