Emergency Wound Care using Emergency Kits such as Warrior Aid and Litter Kit (WALK) – NAR

Emergency kits like the Warrior Aid and Litter Kid (WALK) – NAR could mean a difference to a fatal wound. Emergency care for wounds like lacerations, avulsions, excisions and more need immediate care. It doesn’t have to be reparative surgery. Quick thinking and immediate response at the scene of the health incident can save the life of your patient.

How to Prepare yourself to Respond to Emergencies

Being prepared is a number one requirement. If you’re near the area, be ready with the necessary equipment. That’s why you should have your emergency kit at the ready. It should have the following basic supplies as well as supplies for advanced wound care if needed. But before that, you must learn some of the basics when dealing with emergencies.

  1. Survey the scene – The first step is to survey the area for any immediate danger. You can move the patient to a safer place before you can start any lifesaving procedures.
  2. Identify the patient – Tap the patient firmly enough to elicit- a response. You need proper ID to report to EMS. It also serves to check if your patient is conscious or not.
  3. Activate EMS – If you are just a passerby, call the EMS. You may be given instructions on what to do. An ambulance may be dispatched to your location.
  4. Stabilize the patient – This includes procedures like basic life support and wound stabilization.

Readying Equipment for Emergency Response

Before you can respond to any emergencies, you must prep your kit first. It should have the basic supplies to help with managing a patient with wounds. Commercial kits already have a set, but you could always make one of your own.

Basic Supplies in an Emergency Kit for Wound Care

  • Sterile Water and Sterile Plain NSS – Very helpful in the washing of any debris. At least 500 ml should be in your bag which is enough for most emergencies.
  • Bandages and Sterile Gauzes – Needed for putting pressure on wounds and covering them to prevent more contamination.
  • Scissors – These are needed to help cut bandages, gauzes, and sutures. You should have bandage scissors, a Metzenbaum scissor (straight) or Mayo scissors.
  • Antiseptics – Your kit should also have a skin cleanser and an antiseptic. Skin cleansers are strong cleaning agents that can help remove dirt and bacteria. Antiseptics, on the other hand, are formulated to keep bacteria from growing on a cleaned wound. These can be Betadine and 70% Ethyl alcohol.
  • Sutures – In the case when pressure dressing does not work, you might need to at least close the wound or suture bleeders. You need the following in your bag. Silk 2/0 or 3/0 (6’s), Chromic Softcat B-Braun (12’s) and Vicryl 1 and 3/0 (2’s). These will provide you the basic sutures for any type of wounds
  • O2 Sat device – Very helpful in determining tissue perfusion. You can check if the extremity involved has enough oxygen reaching them with a Pulse Oximeter, ROSSMAX. You can also monitor the pulse rate of the client.
  • Plaster – A very useful equipment. Plasters or medical adhesives are like sticky tapes. They can be used to reinforce elastic bandages or hold gauzes in place. If you can’t suture wounds, plaster can be utilized to approximate the wounds close.

There are many more equipment and supplies that you can put in your emergency bag. For a list of medical supplies, Philippine Medical Supplies has it all. Just visit their website and get your order delivered to your home or clinic ASAP.
